(The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse)
Recognize it, Resist Reacting to it, and Respond to
it in a way that honors God and guards your heart
Condescension and/or Sarcasm and/or
Constant Criticism
Manipulation (i.e. blame-shifting, de-railing,
gas-lighting, stone-walling, trying to get
someone to make a decision out of Fear,
Obligation, and/or Guilt)
Lack of Empathy/Chronic Indifference (an
inability to see how one’s words or actions
affect another person and thus not making the
changes that another person needs to feel
emotionally safe)
**The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are described in the book of
Revelation in the Bible. It describes a scroll in God’s right hand that is
sealed with seven seals. Jesus Christ opens the first four of the seven
seals, which summons forth the four beasts that ride on white, red, black,
and pale horses which each symbolize conquest, war, famine, and death respectively.